Tony Lee, Jr.
Browser showing a deck titled 'Captions at Google' Table of contents Pie graph breakdown of the skills needed to write thoughtful captions A running list of reasons why video captions help everyone' The difference between captions and subtitles An example of video captions IRL An example of video captions IRL An example of video captions IRL


A 5+ year one-man mission to change the way creatives at Google approach video captions. What began as a simple side project has turned into a persistent journey of making / building / writing / designing / reaching out / volunteering / and knowledge sharing, all with the goal of creating creative and thoughtful captions for every video Google launches.

Creative Lead: Tony Lee, Jr.
Writing Lead: Tony Lee, Jr.
Design Lead: Tony Lee, Jr.
Production Lead: Tony Lee, Jr.
Google Drive Access Granter: Tony Lee, Jr.
Ambassador and advocate: Tony Lee, Jr.